Deleting a subtree in a closure table the better way


The previous implementation required custom logic to delete an element from the closure tree. But there’s a simpler way to implement delete using postgres OnDelete constraints.

We want to add the following constraints:

A constraint in postgresql looks like:

ADD CONSTRAINT "fk_parent_id"
FOREIGN KEY ("parent_id")
REFERENCES query(id)

Unfortunately there is no way to currently add constraints like this to a tree entity in TypeORM. But we can run it as a migration before the app starts.

TypeORM stores the metadata about the table in the repository, we can use the metadata to define the variables in the SQL to make them less brittle.

static async addOnDeleteCascades() {
    const queryRepository = getRepository(Query);
    const tableName = queryRepository.metadata.tableName;
    const treeRelationFks = queryRepository.metadata.treeParentRelation.foreignKeys[0];

    const parentIdColumnName = treeRelationFks.columnNames[0];
    const parentIdFkName =;

    const closureTableMetadata = queryRepository.metadata.closureJunctionTable;

    const closureTableName = closureTableMetadata.tableName;
    const closureAncestorColumnName = closureTableMetadata.foreignKeys[0].columnNames[0];
    const closureAncestorFkName = closureTableMetadata.foreignKeys[0].name;
    const closureDescendantColumnName = closureTableMetadata.foreignKeys[1].columnNames[0];
    const closureDescendantFkName = closureTableMetadata.foreignKeys[1].name;

    await getConnection().query(`
            ALTER TABLE ${tableName}
            DROP CONSTRAINT "${parentIdFkName}",
            ADD CONSTRAINT "${parentIdFkName}"
            FOREIGN KEY ("${parentIdColumnName}")
            REFERENCES ${tableName}(id)
            ON DELETE CASCADE;

            ALTER TABLE ${closureTableName}
            DROP CONSTRAINT "${closureAncestorFkName}",
            ADD CONSTRAINT "${closureAncestorFkName}"
            FOREIGN KEY ("${closureAncestorColumnName}")
            REFERENCES ${tableName}(id)
            ON DELETE CASCADE;

            ALTER TABLE ${closureTableName}
            DROP CONSTRAINT "${closureDescendantFkName}",
            ADD CONSTRAINT "${closureDescendantFkName}"
            FOREIGN KEY ("${closureDescendantColumnName}")
            REFERENCES ${tableName}(id)
            ON DELETE CASCADE;

Then we just need to run addOnDeleteCascades during app initialization. In nestjs we can use OnModuleInit to hook into the database module lifecycle to do this.